This example shows the full lifecycle of a HotMesh engine instance, including: initialization, deployment, activation and execution.

Engine routers are self-managing, but subscribe to the 'quorum' channel to establish consensus as necessary for distributed processing. Completed workflows are always soft-deleted with a configurable retention period.

import { Client as Postgres } from 'pg';
import { HotMesh } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';

const hotMesh = await HotMesh.init({
appId: 'abc',
engine: {
connection: {
class: Postgres,
options: {
connectionString: 'postgresql://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db',

await hotMesh.deploy(`
id: abc
version: '1'
- subscribes: abc.test
type: trigger

await hotMesh.activate('1');

await hotMesh.pubsub('abc.test');

await HotMesh.stop();


appId: string
guid: string
logger: ILogger
namespace: string
disconnecting: boolean = false


  • Once the app YAML file is deployed to the provider backend, the activate function can be called to enable it for the entire quorum at the same moment.

    The approach is to establish the coordinated health of the system through series of call/response exchanges. Once it is established that the quorum is healthy, the quorum is instructed to run their engine in no-cache mode, ensuring that the provider backend is consulted for the active app version each time a call is processed. This ensures that all engines are running the same version of the app, switching over at the same moment and then enabling cache mode to improve performance.

    Add a delay for the quorum to reach consensus if traffic is busy, but also consider throttling traffic flow to an acceptable level.


    • version: string
    • Optionaldelay: number

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Add a transition message to the workstream, resuming leg 2 of a paused reentrant activity (e.g., await, worker, hook)


    Returns Promise<string>

  • When the app YAML descriptor file is ready, the deploy function can be called. This function is responsible for merging all referenced YAML source files and writing the JSON output to the file system and to the provider backend. It is also possible to embed the YAML in-line as a string.

    The version will not be active until activation is explicitly called.


    • pathOrYAML: string

    Returns Promise<HotMeshManifest>

  • Returns searchable/queryable data for a job. In this example a literal field is also searched (the colon is used to track job status and is a reserved field; it can be read but not written).


    • jobId: string
    • fields: string[]

    Returns Promise<StringAnyType>

    const fields = ['fred', 'barney', '":"'];
    const queryState = await hotMesh.getQueryState('123', fields);
    //returns { fred: 'flintstone', barney: 'rubble', ':': '1' }
  • Returns the status of a job. This is a numeric semaphore value that indicates the job's state. Any non-positive value indicates a completed job. Jobs with a value of -1 are pending and will automatically be scrubbed after a set period. Jobs a value around -1billion have been interrupted and will be scrubbed after a set period. Jobs with a value of 0 completed normally. Jobs with a positive value are still running.


    • jobId: string

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Re/entry point for an active job. This is used to resume a paused job and close the reentry point or leave it open for subsequent reentry. Because hooks are public entry points, they include a topic which is established in the app YAML file.

    When this method is called, a hook rule will be located to establish the exact activity and activity dimension for reentry.


    Returns Promise<string>

  • Listen to all output and interim emissions of a workflow topic matching a wildcard pattern.


    Returns Promise<void>

    await hotMesh.psub('a.b.c*', (topic, message) => {
  • Starts a workflow


    Returns Promise<string>

    await'a.b.c', { key: 'value' });
  • Starts a workflow and awaits the response


    • topic: string
    • data: JobData = {}
    • Optionalcontext: JobState
    • Optionaltimeout: number

    Returns Promise<JobOutput>

    await hotMesh.pubsub('a.b.c', { key: 'value' });
  • Patterned unsubscribe. NOTE: Postgres does not support patterned unsubscription, so this method is not supported for Postgres.


    • wild: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Immediately deletes (DEL) a completed job from the system.

    Scrubbed jobs must be complete with a non-positive status value


    • jobId: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • Subscribe (listen) to all output and interim emissions of a single workflow topic. NOTE: Postgres does not support patterned unsubscription, so this method is not supported for Postgres.


    Returns Promise<void>

    await hotMesh.psub('a.b.c', (topic, message) => {
  • Sends a throttle message to the quorum (engine and/or workers) to limit the rate of processing. Pass -1 to throttle indefinitely. The value must be a non-negative integer and not exceed MAX_DELAY ms.

    When throttling is set, the quorum will pause for the specified time before processing the next message. Target specific engines and workers by passing a guid and/or topic. Pass no arguments to throttle the entire quorum.

    In this example, all processing has been paused indefinitely for the entire quorum. This is equivalent to an emergency stop.

    HotMesh is a stateless sequence engine, so the throttle can be adjusted up and down with no loss of data.


    Returns Promise<boolean>

    await hotMesh.throttle({ throttle: -1 });
  • Stop listening in on a single workflow topic


    • topic: string

    Returns Promise<void>

  • returns a guid using the same core guid generator used by the HotMesh (nanoid)

    Returns string

  • Instance initializer. Workers are configured similarly to the engine, but as an array with multiple worker objects.


    Returns Promise<HotMesh>

    const config: HotMeshConfig = {
    appId: 'myapp',
    engine: {
    connection: {
    class: Postgres,
    options: {
    connectionString: 'postgresql://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db',
    workers [...]
    const hotMesh = await HotMesh.init(config);