The MeshFlow service is a collection of services that emulate Temporal's capabilities, but instead are backed by Postgres or Redis/ValKey. The following lifecycle example demonstrates how to start a new workflow, subscribe to the result, and shutdown the system.

import { Client, Worker, MeshFlow, HotMesh } from '@hotmeshio/hotmesh';
import { Client as Postgres} from 'pg';
import * as workflows from './workflows';

//1) Initialize the worker
await Worker.create({
connection: {
class: Postgres,
options: {
connectionString: 'postgresql://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db',
taskQueue: 'default',
namespace: 'meshflow',
workflow: workflows.example,
options: {
backoffCoefficient: 2,
maximumAttempts: 1_000,
maximumInterval: '5 seconds'

//2) initialize the client
const client = new Client({
connection: {
class: Postgres,
options: {
connectionString: 'postgresql://usr:pwd@localhost:5432/db',

//3) start a new workflow
const handle = await client.workflow.start({
args: ['HotMesh', 'es'],
taskQueue: 'default',
workflowName: 'example',
workflowId: HotMesh.guid(),
namespace: 'meshflow',

//4) subscribe to the eventual result
console.log('\nRESPONSE', await handle.result(), '\n');
//logs '¡Hola, HotMesh!'

//5) Shutdown (typically on sigint)
await MeshFlow.shutdown();


Client: typeof ClientService = ClientService

The MeshFlow Client service is functionally equivalent to the Temporal Client service.

Connection: typeof ConnectionService = ConnectionService

The MeshFlow Connection service is functionally equivalent to the Temporal Connection service.

Handle: typeof WorkflowHandleService = WorkflowHandleService

The Handle provides methods to interact with a running workflow. This includes exporting the workflow, sending signals, and querying the state of the workflow. An instance of the Handle service is typically accessed via the MeshFlow.Client class (workflow.getHandle).

Worker: typeof WorkerService = WorkerService

The MeshFlow Worker service is functionally equivalent to the Temporal Worker service.

workflow: typeof WorkflowService = WorkflowService

The MeshFlow workflow service is functionally equivalent to the Temporal Workflow service with additional methods for managing workflows, including: execChild, waitFor, sleep, etc


  • Shutdown everything. All connections, workers, and clients will be closed. Include in your signal handlers to ensure a clean shutdown.

    Returns Promise<void>