Type Alias MeshDataWorkflowOptions

MeshDataWorkflowOptions: {
    await?: boolean;
    config?: WorkflowConfig;
    expire?: number;
    id?: string;
    marker?: StringStringType;
    namespace?: string;
    pending?: number;
    persistent?: boolean;
    prefix?: string;
    search?: WorkflowSearchOptions;
    signalIn?: boolean;
    taskQueue?: string;
    ttl?: string;
    workflowId?: string;
    workflowName?: string;
    workflowSpan?: string;
    workflowTrace?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optionalawait?: boolean

    If set to false explicitly it will not await the result

  • Optionalconfig?: WorkflowConfig

    Extended execution options

  • Optionalexpire?: number

    sets the number of seconds a workflow may exist after completion. As the process engine is an in-memory cache, the default policy is to expire and scrub the job hash as soon as it completes.

  • Optionalid?: string

    The function execution id (shorthand for workflowId)

  • Optionalmarker?: StringStringType

    Custom marker data field used for adding a searchable marker to the job. markers always begin with a dash (-). Any field that does not begin with a dash will be removed and will not be inserted with the initial data set.

  • Optionalnamespace?: string

    The app deployment namespace; how it appears in redis (e.g., 'meshflow')

  • Optionalpending?: number

    If provided, the job will initialize in a pending state, reserving only the job ID (HSETNX) and persisting search and marker (if provided). If a resume signal is sent before the specified number of seconds, the job will resume as normal. If the job is not resumed within the number of seconds provided, the job will be scrubbed. No dependencies are set for a job in a pending state; however, dependencies will be added after the job is resumed (if necessary).

  • Optionalpersistent?: boolean

    set to true by the system when a workflow is started with a ttl, ensuring that the workflow will remain active until the ttl expires and the workflow is scrubbed. This is a system flag and should not be set by the user.

  • Optionalprefix?: string

    The connected function's entity identifier

  • Optionalsearch?: WorkflowSearchOptions

    Search fields to seed function state when it first initializes

  • OptionalsignalIn?: boolean

    set to false to optimize workflows that do not require a signal in. explicitly set to true to force the workflow to remain open and persistent.

  • OptionaltaskQueue?: string

    Target connected functions more specifically by taskQueue

  • Optionalttl?: string

    Set to 'infinity', '1 minute', '1 hour', etc

  • OptionalworkflowId?: string

    The function execution id

  • OptionalworkflowName?: string

    The function name (entity is a shorthand for this)

  • OptionalworkflowSpan?: string

    The open telemetry span context for the workflow, used for logging and tracing. If a sink is enabled, this will be sent to the sink.

  • OptionalworkflowTrace?: string

    The open telemetry trace context for the workflow, used for logging and tracing. If a sink is enabled, this will be sent to the sink.