Type Alias HookOptions

HookOptions: {
    args: any[];
    config?: WorkflowConfig;
    entity?: string;
    namespace?: string;
    search?: WorkflowSearchOptions;
    taskQueue?: string;
    workflowId?: string;
    workflowName?: string;

Options for setting up a hook. 'meshflow' is the default namespace if not provided; similar to setting appid in the YAML

Type declaration

  • args: any[]

    Input arguments to pass into the hook

  • Optionalconfig?: WorkflowConfig

    Hook function constraints (backoffCoefficient, maximumAttempts, maximumInterval)

  • Optionalentity?: string

    Optional entity name. If provided, applies as the workflowName, taskQueue, and prefix. This scopes the FT.SEARCH index appropriately. This is a convenience method but limits options.

  • Optionalnamespace?: string

    Optional namespace under which the hook function will be grouped

  • Optionalsearch?: WorkflowSearchOptions

    Bind additional search terms immediately before hook reentry

  • OptionaltaskQueue?: string

    Optional task queue, needed unless 'entity' is provided

  • OptionalworkflowId?: string

    Execution ID, also known as the job ID to hook into

  • OptionalworkflowName?: string

    The name of the user's hook function