Type Alias WorkerConfig

WorkerConfig: {
    connection: Connection;
    guid?: string;
    namespace?: string;
    options?: WorkerOptions;
    search?: WorkflowSearchOptions;
    taskQueue: string;
    workflow: Function | Record<string | symbol, Function>;

Type declaration

  • connection: Connection

    Connection configuration for the worker

  • Optionalguid?: string

    Provide to set the engine name. This MUST be unique, so do not provide unless it is guaranteed to be a unique engine/worker guid when identifying the point of presence within the mesh.

  • Optionalnamespace?: string

    Namespace used in the app configuration, denoted as appid in the YAML

  • Optionaloptions?: WorkerOptions

    Additional options for configuring the worker

  • Optionalsearch?: WorkflowSearchOptions

    Search options for workflow execution details

  • taskQueue: string

    Task queue name, denoted as subscribes in the YAML (e.g., 'hello-world')

  • workflow: Function | Record<string | symbol, Function>

    Target function or a record type with a name (string) and reference function