Type Alias WorkflowOptions

WorkflowOptions: {
    args: any[];
    await?: boolean;
    config?: WorkflowConfig;
    entity?: string;
    expire?: number;
    guid?: string;
    marker?: StringStringType;
    namespace?: string;
    originJobId?: string;
    parentWorkflowId?: string;
    pending?: number;
    persistent?: boolean;
    search?: WorkflowSearchOptions;
    signalIn?: boolean;
    taskQueue?: string;
    workflowId?: string;
    workflowName?: string;
    workflowSpan?: string;
    workflowTrace?: string;

Type declaration

  • args: any[]

    input arguments to pass in

  • Optionalawait?: boolean

    default is true; if false, will not await the execution

  • Optionalconfig?: WorkflowConfig

    the workflow configuration object

  • Optionalentity?: string

    if invoking a workflow, passing 'entity' will apply the value as the workflowName, taskQueue, and prefix, ensuring the FT.SEARCH index is properly scoped. This is a convenience method but limits options.

  • Optionalexpire?: number

    sets the number of seconds a workflow may exist after completion. As the process engine is an in-memory cache, the default policy is to expire and scrub the job hash as soon as it completes.

  • Optionalguid?: string

    Provide to set the engine name. This MUST be unique, so do not provide unless it is guaranteed to be a unique engine/worker guid when identifying the point of presence within the mesh.

  • Optionalmarker?: StringStringType

    marker data (begins with a -)

  • Optionalnamespace?: string

    the namespace for the workflow

  • OptionaloriginJobId?: string

    the entry point workflow id

  • OptionalparentWorkflowId?: string

    the parent workflow id; adjacent ancestor ID

  • Optionalpending?: number

    If provided, the job will initialize in a pending state, reserving only the job ID (HSETNX) and persisting search and marker (if provided). If a resume signal is sent before the specified number of seconds, the job will resume as normal, transitioning to the adjacent children of the trigger. If the job is not resumed within the number of seconds specified, the job will be scrubbed. No dependencies are added for a job in a pending state; however, dependencies will be added after the job is resumed if relevant.

  • Optionalpersistent?: boolean

    system flag to indicate that the flow should remain open beyond main method completion while still emitting the 'job done' event

  • Optionalsearch?: WorkflowSearchOptions

    the full-text-search (RediSearch) options for the workflow

  • OptionalsignalIn?: boolean

    default is true; set to false to optimize workflows that do not require a signal in

  • OptionaltaskQueue?: string

    the task queue for the workflow; optional if entity is provided

  • OptionalworkflowId?: string

    the job id

  • OptionalworkflowName?: string

    the name of the user's workflow function; optional if 'entity' is provided

  • OptionalworkflowSpan?: string

    OpenTelemetry span context for the workflow

  • OptionalworkflowTrace?: string

    OpenTelemetry trace context for the workflow